Green drapery with insertsGreen drapery with inserts
Green drapery with insertsGreen drapery with inserts
Green drapery with insertsGreen drapery with inserts
Green drapery with insertsGreen drapery with inserts
Green drapery with inserts
Green drapery with inserts
Green drapery with inserts
Green drapery with inserts

Green drapery with inserts

Cod Produs: 8278

Price: 228 lei / ml. Price is per linear meter (measured from left to right), regardless of height.

This model can be made to order according to the size of the customer.

The height can be up to 2.7 m (as long as the roll material).

In the photo curtain / drapery is made with caps (anodes) in the material and is mounted on a metal gallery. Can be made with reinsurance, pvc rails, aluminum rail, wooden gallery, etc. These, as well as other clamping systems, can be seen on the PRODUCTS page: Self, Galleries.

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Nou! Curatare perdele si draperii: Venim, le demontam, le aducem curate si le montam la loc.

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